Here's How The "Dual Approach" to Business Turns Past Failures
Into Epic Financial Success - Just like the Top 5% Succeed -
WHILE Creating True Satisfaction for You & Your Clients
From: Heather C. Ramsey
Dear Friend,
If you’re ready to finally get paid more in 90 days than what you once did in a year, double the free time you have per week, while dripping with excitement about your life and your business…
… Then, it’s time to consider enrolling in the 8wk Rewired4Success mastermind, so you will apply & live your 1st official Success Cycle, and really get what the Top 5% do, that the rest wish they knew... and start winning bigger results now vs later ...
This world class training & coaching program is for entrepreneurs & business professionals like you who "want it ALL". You want the money and time freedom, AND you also want to be happier - to love what you do, who you are a hero to, to make a true impact on the people you interact with, leaving a legacy for future generations.
You probably know,
most business owners like us are
"Quick Starts"...
...We love new ideas, but find it hard fully executing those ideas until the very end - seeing them complete. Everything in this program is set up to ensure that you implement the (revenue producing) activities that you may be procrastinating on.
Listen, I know what it's like to struggle...
I didn't always run multiple businesses, wasn't always a 6-figure business expert, author, speaker, trainer... I didn't always have the skills to be on the Minister of Energy's Advisory Counsel. I didn't always live in my dream home in one of the best neighbourhoods, in one of the best cities in the world.
I had to learn the hard way, through countless disappointments, cheques that didn't clear, a business partner who racked up a 6-figure debt in my name, and then embezzled $109,000.00 from corporate accounts as his exit strategy... But no matter what your past looks like, no matter what has happened before this moment - you can make a new future - NOW! You can be a success in business & in life NOW!
“Last week I had $9,000 billable hours… That’s been a huge change for me.”
- Michele Follows, Accountant, On Demand™ Inc.
“The initial results were $1,500 new revenue in a day. I make a lot of money online, but ReWired4Success took me up higher to where I'd ever been before.”
- Dinesh Bharuchi, Marketing Consultant, Internet Training Secrets™
“Identifying the excitement and believability levels were key in making it happen.”
- Joan Bowley, Life-Coach, Attain Greatness™

"I'd like to personally invite you...
... to enrol in a program that will change your business, financial & personal life forever.
If you're an entrepreneur, small business owner, sales person, or you have an interest in increasing your income - WHILE becoming truly happier and energetically aligned to a greater purpose... This program, Rewired 4 Success is guaranteed to work for you..."
“Extra $2138 PER MONTH in my business, after just 8wks in Rewired4Success.”
- Camille Lawson, Nurse, Health Advisor
“$26,000 Revenue as a direct result of Rewired in my business.”
- Laure Amphilac, Mortgage Broker, Wealth Advisor
“The money I've spent in this program... Has already paid me back.”
- Bala Ramaswamy, Accountant
“I don't know what you guys did, but somehow the fear is gone!”
- Nicky Lehwald, Business Owner
“Out of 1 - 10 I would rate the system as a 10! (how about a 12, can I do that?)”
- Jay Harrison, Travel Agent
Here's What You Will Get When You
Join The ReWired Program

1. 8 Week Live Webinar "Success Cycle Trainings"- $2,497 Value
Meet with us every week LIVE online and participate in the "Success Training", semi-private "Business Coaching", & "Accountability Mastermind". Founder & Head Trainer, Heather Ramsey will be bringing her A Game to you, giving you the most relevant coaching and insights to accomplish your higher results faster!

2. Rewired4Success Manual & Successipedia- $997 Value
For the 6 days & 23hrs when you’re not Live with us in the Success Mastermind you will use the "Rewired4Success" Manual to effortlessly integrate this Success Training into your life. During the webinar integrating the training with the Manual will increase your comprehension & speed of integration. After it will be a life-long "Success Guide" for you to cycle up to higher & higher results. PLUS: "Successipedia" is a Living Reservoir of 40 Success Principles & 120 Practices. Anywhere, any time, for life ... you can raise your success in 5 minutes!

3. Daily/Weekly "Rewiring Play-Work" - $497
Getting yourself engaged in a process is what creates lasting results… Remember when you were a kid how you 'became the game'? This Play-Work is designed not only to develop your sense of wonder, it actually makes your accomplishments fun, rewarding and truly satisfying… (Let alone: actually happen in record time).

4. True-Accountability Partner - $Priceless
Scared because you don’t have the discipline to actually do the work required to accomplish the thing you want most? We've got you covered. You get an accountability partner to make it easy to implement & succeed each week. Way more motivating when someone 'has your back' - "If you can’t be disciplined, be clever.” PLUS: We teach you how to be a "True Accountability Partner" so for the rest of your life you can reach up to wealthier more successful people, bring them value, and have them say "Yes" to partnerships!

5. Before & After “Rewired Results” Assessment - $297 Value
Way more valuable to measure where your "Inner & Outer Game" of Success are at the beginning. Way more satisfying & motivating to see your measured improvements in your Success Game & Results at the end! This custom assessment provides you with the measurable improvements you made during your first of many "Success Cycles". When I was in Robert Allen's private home in California he said: "WOW, if you've figured out how to measure the change in peoples' Success Results, that's worth the whole program!"
"That's ONLY the 'basic yet invaluable Success Program'... On top of that...
... I want you to have more. I want to Ensure You Succeed by giving you - Two Additional Bonuses, totalling $1,191 extra value.
One is "Live Success Training", where you'll be able to connect with the whole group you're a part of - and the other is a "Private Success Mentoring" session with me, where we'll go deep on The Profit Areas in your business!"
On TOP of Everything Else
You Also Get As Bonuses:

BONUS#1: Two Tickets for One Day Live "Success Event" - $97 X 2 Value
Yes! LIVE In Person... See, Hear and Connect with the Honorary Graduates like you AND gift a colleague or friend a free "Success Ticket" as well. It will definitely be hosted in Toronto, Canada, one of the most stunning, multi-cultural and elegant cities in the entire world. We are sooo looking forward to seeing you!!! (And remember if you're a big flight away - this is a BONUS - you will Succeed with or without the Event :-))

BONUS#2: Private One-on-One Hour "Success Consult" - $997 Value ***(If Qualified)
This "Private Success Consult" Bonus is not necessary for you to receive fantastic results from the ReWired4Success program...
The course truly stands on it's own as a world class results-producing product & experience.
This Gift is a 100% "on top of everything else" - ONLY FOR those who qualify.
(frankly its value alone could exceed the price of the course). Us working with you 1-on-1 enables us to provide
customized solutions to your unique business & life scenario (to ensure you win).
Here's The Value
Break Down:

8week LIVE online "Success Training & Coaching" Mastermind Sessions:
"Successipedia" & "Rewired4Success" Manual:
"Results Playwork" Implementation:
"Enormous Accountability" Partner:
Before & After "Rewired Results" Measurement:
Bonus #1: Live "Success Training" Day
(2 Tickets - $97x2)
Bonus #2: Million Dollar "Private Mentoring Success Session"
The Total Value of The Program:
The Price Before 11:59PM October 1, 2016:
BONUS #3: Marketing Critique of YOUR Business Website

This is one of the 5 events Colin has produced for ReWired... As you can see, his marketing expertise generates results... The "Landing Page Critique" he's offering is -- no doubt -- worth every penny... But you'll get it as a BONUS - no additional cost.
"Three years ago I made the intelligent decision to hire a marking guy, Colin Campbell from CC Target Marketing™. He's awesome.
Colin's directly accountable for placing 1,064 new, qualified prospects in my database. In addition, my sales each year increase as a result of what he does.
I want you to have the same thing.
That's why I convinced him to offer you an additional bonus worth $1,000 (that's what he charges for his landing page critiques.)
Basically, he'll review how you're generating leads on your site now and provide his suggestions on what to enhance on your site in order to increase your sales and opt-in conversions.
You'll be able to use this advice to get more leads into your business guaranteed.
BONUS#4: The Exclusive "Money Making Marketing" Course
In addition to the landing-page critique...
"... Hi, Colin here.
As Heather mentioned, I have a lot of experience helping business owners increase their sales by improving their marketing... And it's a real pleasure to work with ReWired Clients like you (if you choose to enrol).
On top of everything else Heather & Rewired have put together for your success,
I'm also going to give you one more MASSIVE bonus for signing up Now.

Here's the deal...
I created a mini-course that revealed 7 of my top money making insights.
I called it The Money-Making Marketing Course.
It's undervalued at $1997.00. Here's what it includes:
♨Part1 - The “lazy way” to produce a consistent stream of valuable content for your subscribers/fans… without sitting at your computer for countless hours.
♨Part2 - The three steps to sell a product you haven’t created yet. This is a massive time and money saver. This method allows you to practically “never fail” because the test is often very inexpensive to run.
♨Part3 - How to avoid the top 3 “advertising uh-ohs” that steal profits from your marketing campaigns.
♨Part4 - How to name a product, a service, a free give-away or a URL that sells the right clients who want to stay with you long term.
♨Part5 - The Testimonial Acquisition Email Template. Copy, paste and send to your customers to get testimonials to use in your marketing.
♨Part6 - The 5 things to include in your welcome email to trigger sales and referrals within the first 90 days of them opting in.
♨Part7 - The $20K “timeline selling” worksheet. It’s a simple sales process you can use to convert more prospects to clients. (I call it 20K because I used it to sell a $20,000 coaching program.)
So, if you enrol in the "Rewired4Success" Program Now
I'm going to give you
The ($1,997) "Money-Making Marketing" Course FOR FREE
as an additional bonus.
This special bonus offer is exclusively for the people who decide to take their business to the next level through the Rewired4Success System...
When I say "exclusively" I mean it... You will not find it online -- not even on my own site.
So join The ReWired Program now and get access to it all - Success, Marketing, Business Results.
There is also ZERO Risk on your part.

100% Money Back, No Risk Guarantee
We take your results seriously. How could we stay in business and continue to thrive if we couldn’t guarantee the value in this course? Place all the risk on us. Enter the Program, receive “Successipedia”, Build your Sweet Spot Goal, apply the Success Principles & Practices, do your “Results Playwork” and if after half way through the course (yes 4 Weeks in) through your “Success Cycle” you don’t feel like you already got the value of your entire investment we will refund 100% of your money back. Zero Risk – 100% Reward.

Here's a Summary of
Everything You Get:
YES Heather! I want to use the "ReWired 4 Success" Program to easily turn my past failures into epic financial success and live the life I deserve.
I understand that all I have to do is cover the (significantly reduced) cost of doing business, which is a drop in the bucket compared to what I and my business will potentially be worth.
I also understand that I'm investing in the expense of you having to go out and learn all the best practices, systematizing it and taking the time and the resources to facilitate this program for me…
This will absolutely increase my success & happiness on every level of my business & life.
3 Easy Access Options
6 Times Installment
$357 USD

6 Times Payment of $357 USD
3 Times Installment
$697 USD

3 Times Payment of $697 USD
1 Time Payment
$1997 USD

One Time Payment of $1997 USD
"P.S - Take action now.
Don't hesitate and jeopardize your success, your potential additional income and the life-style you want by "thinking about it, maybe next time, I'll have to talk it over with..." or any other limiting belief you could come up with.
This is a crossroad between "achieving your dream life" on the upside or "getting what you've always got" on the downside.
This decision will take you to the next level guaranteed. Allow me to have faith in your ability to breakthrough your current situation. Accept me as your mentor for this critical juncture in your life. You will be thrilled at the result.
Scroll down, click on your payment option and follow-through now before it's too late. We'll be in contact immediately to welcome you into the "ReWired4Success" Program."
3 Easy Access Options
6 Times Installment
$357 USD

6 Times Payment of $357 USD
3 Times Installment
$697 USD

3 Times Payment of $697 USD
1 Time Payment
$1997 USD

One Time Payment of $1997 USD