Reply To: Week 3 – Track to Win On

Katherine South

Old SSG: Focus on feeling gratitude and excitement as I feel things coming onto my radar screen to support my chief aim of debt freedom and new sources of income to support my spiritual work.

New SSG: Feeling healthy, excited and grateful as I achieve debt freedom while emptying debt buckets (i.e., 0% APR non-increasing credit card balance transfer until end date).

Outer Game:
– 10% monthly reduction in earliest end date debt bucket while paying the minimum on smaller debt buckets with Nov 2020 end dates;
– $1,200 new monthly income to pay debt from part time bank teller job
– Get 1st paid regularly scheduled veterans healing meditation group
– Limit $400 per month cash for grocery and meals budget
– Only use lowest APR credit card for necessary online purchases for house, dogs and Mastermind
– Make list of humanitarian projects and spiritual mission work when financially independent

Inner Game:
– 30% higher Flexibility and Strength
– 30% higher Excitementment
– 30% higher Gratitude