Week 3 – Track to Win On

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    Alison Sue Adams

    Revised SSG only to cut back slightly on the total area to be cleared by the end of class as I discovered after 2 weeks that I was underestimating the time required to clear areas with paperwork, and overestimating bookkeeping time. Big progress in all areas and learning so much along the way!

    Henry Araya

    Old SSG
    My sweet spot Goal is: Feeling Healthy; Happy Confident and Abundant while:
    a) I have a solvent, sound business that contributes to Society and Mankind.
    b) I Increase the sales of my Business in 40%
    c) I achieve a 20% more of gross Profits compared with last year.
    d) I have $ 150,000 in my bank accounts.
    New SSG
    Increase 10% Gross Profit in 60 days and 20% more in 120 days
    Reduce Fat index in my body in 3% by Dec 15
    Increase my Exercise and outdoor activity in a 20 %
    Increase my Happiness independent of conditions wins in a 15%
    Track to win
    Monitor profits on a daily basis on my sales graphs ( see attachments)
    Launch a new skin product by November 15
    Weekly review of pay per clicks ROI on Sundays
    Track weigh daily in the mornings
    Park my car 10 minutes away from the office 3 times a week
    Walk to Lunch for 25 minutes
    Write down every Friday my independent of conditions events and wins in the past week ( for instance independent of time and money)

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    David Krueger

    My dream:

    My dream is a world where families are strong again. Men can be masculine. Women can be feminine. Young boys are brought up to be men. Girls are brought up to be ladies. Everyone loves and appreciates each other and operates with integrity. Government happily stays out of peoples lives. We are all more discerning and conscious. Public welfare is equitable and efficient. The purpose of life is to improve oneself and to be happy.

    In this environment it is easy to make dreams come true, dream bigger and create more wealth.

    My Chief Aim:

    A nationally syndicated radio show and TV program. It discusses men being better men and male female relations as well as world events and related social issues.

    Alsop books courses ad speaking engagements – a thriving business and brand to improve self awareness, happiness, and interpersonal relationships.

    Original Sweet spot Goal:

    10,000 in sales in 90 days.

    New sweet spot goal:

    3 new paid coaching clients by December 31st.

    Next logical steps:

    1. Create sales page with video
    2. Create member area for customers who buy
    3. Implement scheduling software.
    4. Get zoom
    5. Market to email list Along with daily emails


    Old SSG: to feel great in my own skin – feel happy and healthy in my body.

    Revised SSG: Feel great in my own skin by shifting to feel (at least) 90% happy, 90% healthy, and 90% confident in my own body.

    Logical Next steps:
    – Listen to KT (7 days a week)
    – Listen to body-positive Abraham videos (7 days a week)
    – Visualize Goal (7 days a week)
    – Write down 5 priorities for tomorrow (5 days a week)
    – Read to feel good about me (Everyday, at least 1 page/day)
    – Exercise (at least 2x a week)
    – Eat Home-made meals (5 days a week)

    I’ve built my own spreadsheet to help me track my progress daily/weekly, with clickable check-boxes (so satisfying!). Screenshot attached. If anyone would like this template, i’m happy to share! Let me know.

    – Maria

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    Heidi Bell

    I feel very overwhelmed with this week’s task & my personal issues. My office is moving in November, & I have been notified that I have to vacate my apartment by January 5th 2020. I am working very hard on myself to embrace change which in the past has been one of my primary stresses. I only looked at the daily success planner on Sunday when I connected with my 2 accountability partners. I own full responsibility for not mapping out my week with a winning mindset. I understand the absolute necessity to incorporate a consistent strategy to work on my inner game especially because this is my sweet spot goal & is key to my personal growth, happiness, and future success. I am going to challenge myself to re-listen to the past 3 weeks, review my notes, & undertake to create a concrete plan of action moving forward.

    Virginia Hollowell

    My sweet spot is to have a plan of action completed for scaling my business.
    Loved the tracking information and I am doing my homework, a WIN right there.
    Manifested a great roommate for Cabo. Made progress on 2 referral partners. My business is credit card processing. Got my attorney to post a blog I wrote with reference to watch for liquidated damages on processor agreement and of course reference to my website. Got 1 sales appointment as well. My biggest WIN is that I cemented in my brain to focus on the basics, writing down my daily WINS!

    Hugh Toner

    Updated Sweet Spot goal: since I quickly achieved my first goal I needed to adjust it so my new goal was to have each of my pharmacists enroll one new Bloom patient… And that happened in the last two days

    …so I nee to expand my SSG AGAIN!

    Hugh Toner

    Updated Sweet Spot goal: since I quickly achieved my first goal I needed to adjust it so my new goal was to have each of my pharmacists enroll one new Bloom patient… And that happened in the last two days

    …so I need to expand my SSG AGAIN!

    Hugh Toner

    Revised sweet spot goal: my new goal for December 3 is to enrol 20 new Bloom patients out of our Kings Road store, paperwork completed, working with the pharmacist to grow the program, and approach one physician face-to-face and explain the benefits of the Bloom program.

    Joshua Novey

    My updated sweet spot goal, which is completely revised and new from the old one, is to have my condo and van completely clean and organized and free of any clutter. My next steps are to take each area, starting with the closets and the bedroom, and completely clean it from corner to corner and sort every single item. Every item will have a place, be sold, or discarded. 3 closets, 5 rooms, and a van, 1 completed each week. 1 hour of work an evening 3 evenings per week. See you all at the top from my clean home.

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